As an order form step will only work with a product, making a product before launching a funnel is essential. If you still need to do so, you can create an order form page, or a funnel with an order form step, so that you can follow along.  This will help you to get the most out of this article.

Step by Step Walk Through:

1. From the left side menu, click on Products.


2. Click on Create Product.


3. Select an option for your product between digital, physical, or bundle. For this example, we will choose digital. (Currently, Digital Products are only available.)

4. Add a Name for your product.

5. Add a Description. (Optional)

6. Click on Create Product when you have completed that information.


7. In the next tab, select if your product is a one-time or a subscription product.

8. Add a price for your product.

9. Add a Compare At amount. (Optional)

10. Add a Price Name (optional). This is the listed name for the product when the price is listed. 


11. Add the per-unit cost of your product. This helps to track your net revenue. 


When completing these steps, click Create Price.


On the Product page, you can adjust the current information and also:


a)  Set an image for the product

b)  Set the product as taxable

c)  Set an SKU number

d)  Select purchase actions like giving access to a digital asset or a course

e)  Set variants for the product

f)  Edit the SEO information

We hope this helps!