Create a new section at the bottom of your page and create the customized content you would like to show up inside of your bump element area.

NOTE: For multiple bumps, create an additional SECTION and each section will have it's own custom attribute to associate the section with the correct bump.

Here are the step-by-step instructions you need to take to create a custom area in your editor:

1. Add a New Section: Navigate to the bottom of the page in the editor. Find the green "Add Section" button and click on it.


Choose a full-page section or adjust the size according to your preference.

2. Add a New Row: Inside the section, click on "Add New Row" and select a one-column row layout. 

3. Add Content: Start adding content to the row. This can include images, graphics, videos, headlines, paragraphs, bullet points, etc. Customize the content as desired.


4. Adjust Row Settings: Click on the row settings.

Adjust the padding to remove it for the top, bottom, and sides. Set the width to 100%.


5. Customize the Appearance: Arrange and style the content elements to your liking, ensuring it looks visually appealing. And Click Save.

For best review, do watch the video tutorial below: