Folow the steps below to add products in CF 2.0

1. How to create an Order Form Page in CF 2.0. Click on it to start building it.


2. You can choose a template from the Order Templates or create a new page from scratch by selecting the New Page button.


3. To edit the content of your page, click on Edit to open the page editor.


4. You can start editing your page as needed. Adding or removing sections, rows, or elements.

5. An Order page needs two elements to work as expected:

  • A checkout element

6. Click Save once you have finished editing your page.


A product added to the page

1. Navigate to CF Pro Tools 2.0 and ensure that you have added a product for use with the add-on.

2. In the left column, click on the "Products" tab to manage your products


3. If you haven't created a product, click on the option to create a new product. Provide details such as type (digital, physical, or bundle), description, and variations.


4. Ensure that your product is configured with variations and is set as a single-price product.

5. Go back to your funnels after setting up the product.


6. Universal products in CF 2.0 can be assigned to any funnel. Choose the specific funnel you're working on.

7. Identify the order page within the chosen funnel. Click on the three dots, and a dropdown menu will appear.

8. From the dropdown menu, select "Manage Products."

9. If the product is not already added, do so in this section.

10. Select the product from the list, click on the settings cogwheel...

...and check the option "Product is a bump product." 

11. Include a bump preheader, such as "Click here to snag our t-shirt for X amount of dollars."

12. Leave the title override blank. Ensure that the description is also blank to avoid overriding bump content.

13. Click on "Update Included Product" to confirm the changes.

14. Check that the configured product appears in the order bump area.

For best review, watch this video tutorial:

We hope that helps!